How did you become interested/connected to Water Street Mission?
For many years Sharon and I have been aware of and pleased to partner with the wonderful work of WSM. We have had the privilege of working with others in our community who have encouraged us to support the work and reach out to those in need in the name of Jesus.
What excites you the most about our work?
We are glad that WSM ministers to the whole person addressing their needs physically, mentally and spiritually.
What made you want to support us financially?
We appreciate that the leadership and the model at WSM are both solid. We give with gratitude for how many beautiful yet broken lives are improved and changed for the better, when they hit a rough patch in life, because of the help at WSM.
How has your giving changed over time?
We have had a goal to increase our support each year. We were also encouraged to learn that we can partner with WSM through our will to further the work even when we are no longer here.
Why did you decide to become a Monthly Hero?
The convenience to be more consistent in our giving appealed to us. We have decided to make helping those in need an absolute priority.
Can you tell us about a time you’ve encouraged others to become connected with us?
We have found it easy to invite friends to events where the amazing work and results of WSM are presented. The remarkably efficient way the many volunteers and staff at WSM impact and change lives have received positive attention nationwide. God’s favor is on this work, and we count it an honor to be involved.