How did you become interested/connected to Water Street Mission?
I became aware of Water Street Mission when my sister began working for this great Organization. As I began researching what they were doing in the community, and the culture within the Organization, I felt very compelled to get involved. I enjoy reading the monthly newsletters, and know that they are doing high-impact, life changing work within the community in Lancaster.
What excites you the most about our work?
Restoration. A key word in their mission statement. Every human suffers adverse events in their lives, some harder adversity than others. The truth is that we were all created by God with talents, skills, and a purpose. Unfortunately due to life circumstances some lose their way or experience setbacks that seem like a life sentence. What I really love about Water Street is that they come alongside of their residents and really provide life skills, counseling, and a perspective on the beautiful creation they are, created by a loving heavenly Father – all while providing for their everyday basic needs of food and shelter. The Bible is very clear in Mark 12:30-31 that the two most important commandments for us to follow are to love God with all our heart, and second being that we love our neighbors. Water Street lives these two commandments every day through their work.
What made you want to support us financially?
Mark 10:25. Every year I evaluate my charitable donations, and as I have earned more in promotions I have received in my career, the verse Mark 10:25 is always in the back of my mind. It reads, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Money is not everything, but it is an important tool that God has given to us to use wisely. He calls us to tithe, and also to provide offerings (above and beyond our tithe). I count it a joy knowing that every month I provide to various charities, like Water Street, that impact lives and help change the destinies of those they serve every day. At the end of the day, it is not about this earth, rather it is about the Gospel which we know has the ability to change lives and provide salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
Why did you decide to become a Monthly Hero?
I was asked by my sister, and humbled to do so. I did it gladly to bring light to this great Organization, and would ask that you consider partnering with Water Street if you are not already. In that my sister works at Water Street, I get a little inside peak into hearing about the stories of lives that are changed, and as I mentioned before, the culture that the team has within the Organization. Water Street has not only had a profound impact on the residents that it serves within the community, I know it has had a profound impact on my sister too, and I am thankful for the work they do.
Can you tell us about a time you’ve encouraged others to become connected with us?
It is tough to think of a specific time. I talk about Water Street all the time with friends, and overall the value of giving. I think a lot of people want to give, but have a hard time knowing who to give to based on their own skepticism in Organizations. Water Street is an Organization of integrity, and I know is an important positive influence on their community.