Our purpose is to create a safe and healing community, focused on being known by Jesus and knowing Jesus.
Chapel is a facilitated time of teaching and preaching from chapel partners hosted four times a week. Chapel gatherings introduce our guests to Jesus and the scriptures by creating a safe and healing community where we pursue being known by Jesus, where we help each other know Jesus, and where our lives are transformed.
Our Chapel Partners present in a way that shows our guests that we are all learning together what it means to embrace God in worship and every area of our life. Chapel is meant to share the good news of Jesus and designed to communicate a message of dignity, value, worth, and healing to every individual we encounter.
Click on the link below to watch a video about chapel gatherings:
“I really appreciate the interaction with everyone at chapel. And how appreciative and attentive everyone is when I speak about different stories of the Bible.”
– Mike, Chapel Partner
We are looking to create ongoing chapel partnerships with local churches, individuals, and ministries for our evening chapels. Our partners commit to regularly, such as once a month or quarter, hosting evening chapels in a conversationally based preaching and/or teaching format. Evening chapel gatherings are held each Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 p.m. These gatherings also enable our guests to connect with local churches and ministries with the hope that they can find a supportive community where they can continue their spiritual growth and healing journeys.
After prayerfully considering a chapel partnership, the first step in volunteering as a chapel partner is to fill out this form.
Individuals who seem to be a good fit will meet for an interview with a member of our Spiritual Care Team. In order to serve as a chapel partner, you must be committed to uphold Water Street Mission’s vision and values, which you can access below.
Questions? Get in touch with Director of Pastoral Ministries, Pastor Jeff McLain at jmclain@wsm.org or (717) 358-2046.
For new accounts, you can find needed resources here!